by Scott | Jun 23, 2021 | Newsletter
This past week was spent with 450 youth and youth leaders of the Tanzania Assemblies of God at Mbulu District youth camp. Our team was Pastor Mark Alexander, his wife Joy, and son’s Judah and Levi from Radiant Church Colorado Springs, Colorado.
by Scott | Jun 14, 2021 | Newsletter
Newsletters Our first baby has arrived! Our first baby has arrived! Her Mom has been at the Center for 2 weeks. She is 15 years old. We named the baby Esther Eli (Esta) The Land The Center THANK YOU! We appreciate you! Love, Ron &...
by Scott | Jun 8, 2021 | Newsletter
Newsletters Pendaeli Arrived! Today was incredible here in Dongobesh, Tanzania. It started by receiving our official certificate of registration for the Birth Hope Center. Next, we received our first girl, Pendaeli, into the Center. She is quiet and shy today, but she...
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