Bring hope to rural Africa  


Today was incredible here in Dongobesh, Tanzania. It started by receiving our official certificate of registration for the Birth Hope Center. Next, we received our first girl, Pendaeli, into the Center. She is quiet and shy today, but she says she is happy to be here. Our hearts were filled with joy and our eyes with tears witnessing the beginning of God’s great plan for Pendaeli and others to follow.

Marcelina said, “The ladies in the clan can say nothing, they are just kept silent, they have no voice.” Today she will have a voice. She will also learn that since she was born God has called her by name. “I knew you before I formed you in your Mother’s womb.” Jeremiah 1:5 Her name means, God’s Love!

We had Pastors visit the Center today. They prayed for Pendaeli and welcomed her to the Birth Hope Center. Our guys were working in the gardens, repairing, and building with Ron. Our girls cleaning, preparing Pendaeli’s room and cooking for all of us.

The day ended with the most beautiful rainbow over the Birth Hope Center. Our Father, God is always showing us He loves us and His plan is right and good.

Paendaeli & Marcelina

Thank you for being part of the Birth Hope Center in Dongobesh.

We appreciate you!
Ron & Carol