The New York Times article reads “Where Life’s Start Is a Deadly Risk”
“Impoverished Tanzania Struggles to Save Mothers and Babies“
“A Tiny Grave…A stillborn baby, delivered at a hospital with shortages of doctors, drugs, and equipment.” This is a story told every day all over Tanzania. This year a personal Tanzanian friend lost her baby for this very reason. Christina has waited for years to deliver a baby and now for these very reasons she must put her baby in a tiny grave. In the past month another friend delivered her baby breech, weighing 4 pounds he was laid in an incubator with another baby only to be left to die, both babies died within two days. In one weeks time we witnessed the death of 7 babies just at one hospital.
CHaRA is working to help save lives by shipping donated medical equipment and supplies to the hospitals and rural clinics in Zanzibar; Unguja and Pemba Island. To date we have delivered two containers of equipment. In the last container were 5 incubators donated by CMC Northeast and Jeff Gordan Foundation plus numerous other donation from CMC, Evangel Worship Center, Chuck Glen, and others. You can join them by supporting the shipping of the container. The cost each time has been $15,000. We have just been given a contact for around $10,000. and we have the supplies ready to fill a 40′ container.
There are things desperately needed: oxygenators we can purchase refurbished for $200.00 each. We also desperately need doctors to come and work with the doctors here. They need more training so your medical skill can benefit the doctors and nurses in Zanzibar: Unguja and Pemba. We need a bio tech: a person who can look at the incubators and other equipment and teach staff how to use them and train someone how to maintain the equipment.