Thauriyu was four years old when we met him at one of our health day chara clinics in 2010. I saw him sitting with his mother with his feet dangling off the edge of the bench. These were not normal little legs and feet. He has spinal bifida, hydrocephalus and several other problems, that day the doctors had told his mama to take him home, they could do nothing for him, he would not live long. I asked could I pray for him, his mama said yes, she said her heart told her to trust me. From that day we started taking care of Thauriyu. He has had surgery on his legs, he learned to pull up on a bench using the strength in his arms, and we brought his a walker and a wheelchair. Soon Thauriyu began to feel better and get stronger and he was able to ride a P.E.T. cart on his own. His mama has to slow him down! Thauriyu is now in Standard One (first grade). CHaRA continues to support Thauriyu with physical therapy and regular school. His is doing amazing and so is his mama. We need a supporter of Thauriyu for school.