We just had another “BIRTH” day at the Birth Hope Center. Introducing Mary Marcelina our newest member of our family. Her Mother is Fausta, she is 15. Mother and baby are doing well. Now we have 5 girls and 2 babies living at the Center. Pendaeli and Esther Eli are doing great. Theresia is 17, she is 7 months pregnant. Scolastica “Scola” is 15 and 3 months pregnant. Magdalena is 18 and 8 months pregnant. The girls have come from difficult situations, rape and abuse. Their stories break our hearts. Marcelina takes long journeys into the homes of these girls to find the conditions and the circumstances of their lives. They come with sadness and shame. Broken hearts are being healed. They are finding love and hope. You can see it in their face.
Thank you for making the Birth Hope Center possible.
Proverbs 15:13 “A glad heart makes a happy face a broken heart crushes the spirit.”
We appreciate you!
Ron & Carol