Bring hope to rural Africa  


Birth Hope Center Dongobesh Update

Sep 24, 2021 | 0 comments

We received a phone call for a girl named Sarah. After each contact Marcelina vets the girl’s circumstance and home conditions. Sarah was tricked by a man in town and he raped her. She was living very poor. She has some physical and learning disabilities and is now pregnant. We prayed and felt the Center was not going to be a good place for her. We also did not let go of Sarah, we kept praying for God’s plan.

One night I woke up with an idea. I sent a message to Elia and Naomi in Zanzibar. We have known them for more than 15 years. They have not been able to conceive a baby but want children. This has been a heartache for them and we have prayed that they would have a child. The message was about Sarah and if they would consider taking her into their home. She is a teenager and young enough to be their daughter. She is not able to take care of a baby or herself. Her elderly aunt was desperate to find a place to send Sarah. She felt she could no longer care for her niece.

Marcelina contacted the aunt after Elia and Naomi agreed to take her. Sarah and her aunt were both excited for her to live with Elia and Naomi. They will be Sarah’s guardian and will adopt the baby. We had no idea how this was going to work. As it fell into place we could see the hand of God in every detail. Last week Marcelina brought Sarah to our house to meet her new parents. Sarah was shy, she had not bathed in a long time, she had an infection and one backpack with her entire belongings. That day began a lot of firsts for Sarah. Elia and Naomi took her shopping then to meet all the family in their home village. Next an airplane ride to Zanzibar. God’s love has captured this new family. The pictures below will help you rejoice with us over the life of Sarah, Naomi, and Elia.

God is great! Thank you for being part of making miracles happen.

This is Mary Marcelina

We opened the Center in June and now we have 7 girls living at the Center and 4 baby girls. Esther Eli was born June 14, Mary Marcelina on June 27, Abigail Ruth on August 27 and Jodi Diane on September 10. Veronica is due any moment! Agatha is also due in September and Scola in January. Below are pictures of moms and babies. We are having a wonderful time being grandparents to all of them! Learning to take care of them and run a Center is a bit more difficult. The girls are learning we have a loving Father in heaven watching over all of us and the Holy Spirit is teaching us and Jesus is interceding for us. He is our everything. We know that this Center was His from the beginning.

We appreciate you!

Ron & Carol