Bring hope to rural Africa  


On Sunday Pastor’s Paul and Agness Meivukie joined us to dedicate six of our babies at the Dongobesh TAG Church. Abigail Ruth, Jody Diane, Jimmy David, Jack Douglas, Max Judah and Joy Elizabeth with their Moms stood before the church to accept the challenge to rear their child with the help of the church family to follow Jesus. It was a beautiful message and a wonderful day of celebration.

One of my favorite verses is Psalm 92:4, “You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done.” Our eyes filled with tears as we watched our girls from the Center join the service and two of them joining the worship team. As I watched the girls sing and dance before the Lord I knew everyday spent away from my home was worth it.

Three of our girls have accepted Jesus as their Savior at the Birth Hope Center, they will join our family of God in heaven for eternity. There is no greater thrill! One by one they are coming to know and follow Jesus. God has rescued them from terrible situations. His love is pouring over them through you, through the church, though our staff and through us. Thank you for being part of CHaRA Birthing Hope.

Come here the amazing stories of rescuing the girls by the Birth Hope Center.

You are invited to the 13th Annual Birthing Hope Tea March 19, 2022.