Bring hope to rural Africa  


The trip to Mohedarar in Yaeda Chini Valley took 31/2 hours by vehicle across barren land, down steep rocky paths, seeing few people along the way. Can you imagine the walk the pastor takes to get to a meeting in town? As we stepped into Pastor Paul’s little church with a big presence of God we were humbled, tears filled my eyes as we sat there together. Then we prayed for his church and family. He has been sent here to reach the un-reached. We brought him corn and beans to give to the people of his community. The youth group of Abundant Life AG in California bought this pastor a motorcycle. He will serve as the ambulance in case of emergencies. He will also be able to attend district church meetings and buy food. The whole family was there to greet us with big smiles. They don’t get many visitors. Saykobi was also there to greet us, he is the chairman of Mohedarar. Since there was no time for him to roast the goat for our dinner, he have us a g These pictures are worth a thousand words. Please pray for this pastor, his family, and for him to reach every person in Mohedarar.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Ron and I love to visit pastors in rural bush areas. Bishop loves to take us! We love supporting a pastor and his community with food. We love giving transportation to pastors. We love our donors that make it possible. Together we will make a difference and the Kingdom of God will increase.

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