Give Thanks to the Lord
The new year has arrived! “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures for ever.” Psalm 136:1
We give thanks to the Lord, for He has been good to us, to our family, and to our ministry. We are thankful for His love in you that led you to love and compassion for CHaRA, the Birth Hope Center and us. Thank you for praying and giving to make this mission successful. Thank you for your partnership with us to bring hope to hurting young girls in Tanzania.
The first month of the new year will be spent with our new Birth Hope Center team in Dongobesh. We will be learning, fasting, praying and spending time together at our first team retreat. We need your prayers as we begin bringing girls into the Center. Pray that we will be able to cast visions of hope to these young girls, that we would be able to encourage them to be what God created them for- a future and a hope. And to help them see beyond where they are or where they have been. This Center is a place of God’s love, protection and hope for hurting young mothers and their babies.
Our prayer for you is that the love, peace and grace of God would abound in your life, your family and in your work. We pray His protection and blessings over you in this new year. We pray God’s will be done on the earth as it is in heaven for America. God is good.
Love, Ron & Carol McDonald

This is the last day to give for a 2020 tax credit. Give here on our website or postmark your check before midnight. Anytime is a good time to give!
$100 will send one team member on our retreat for 2 nights and 6 meals. It will be a great start for a great ministry that will last for many years to come.
- Our Center Ministry Team to the girls: Marcelina, Sophia, and Martina.
- Phaustini- Head of guards and the grounds for the Birth Hope Center.
- Bishop Anania Bombo and the Church leadership.
- We need help to send Joshua and Haika to Bible School. They are the children of Pastor Noeli in Tabora. $1200 each for tuition, room and board for one year.
- We need help to send Aplonia to year 2 of Bible School. She will be a children’s pastor in Haydom. $1200 for the year.
- We need help to send Pastor Gabriel to year 3 of Bible School. Cost is $1200 for the year includes room and board.