Bring hope to rural Africa  



Sep 27, 2022 | 0 comments

We completed our second Girl’s Time and Purity Project in a government school in Dongobesh. Twenty-seven percent of secondary school girls become pregnant in Tanzania. The stories of the girls we have rescued made it clear, this is a necessary program in our schools. The great news is the government and school leadership want the program in their schools.

This month we were blessed to have Pastors Mark and Joy Alexander with their son Levi join us at Alexander Secondary School. We were also joined by our Bishop Anania Bombo, Pastor Naaman, Dr. Joshua, Loema -Education Officer, Upendo- Social Worker, the school principal, and teachers. There were 528 students listening to the purity message as God intends from the Bible. Most students responded to the purity message by raising their hands to remain pure. They also responded to a call to follow in all of God’s ways.

After Pastor Mark and Bishop Anania completed their message, we separated girls and boys. The 248 girls plus teachers received the Girl’s Time Program and hygiene kits. The boys were taught how to respect girls and more. It was a great day. We are invited to continue the program in all secondary schools in the Mbulu District.

We are blessed to bring this great program of God’s love to the students.


Thank you, Sherry and team, for making all the hygiene kits. They are a huge blessing.

Sophia pictured above is the BHC nurse/midwife. She helps present the Girl’s Time Program. Thank you everyone who gives and works to help us accomplish and continue the mission of CHaRA.

We appreciate you!
Ron & Carol