Bring hope to rural Africa  


Don’t Miss Your 2017 Giving Tax Credit

Dec 29, 2017 | 0 comments

Help us rescue young girls.

We have located 6 acres for $8000 in Dongobesh Tanzania to build the Birthing Hope Center and Farm. Please help us rescue young girls 10 to 18 years old in desperate situations. They are unwed, pregnant and without hope. Help us bring them hope. Help us buy this land. Help us drill a well to provide water for the Center. Help us bring power to the Center so we can have lights and hot water. Help us build the Center rooms for education, technical training, baby care and delivery. Help us build rooms for a nurse/midwife, teacher, and Center manager. Help us grow crops and build chicken coops. Help us educate and feed the young women who will live at the Center until they are ready to care for themselves and their baby. This is a great God project! Thank you for your generous giving to CHaRA and the Birthing Hope Center.


Your giving has allowed us to accomplish and continue our CHaRA Mission in Zanzibar. Now we invite you to join us in a great opportunity in the Mbulu District of Tanzania. We are excited to begin this project.

We appreciate you!
Ron & Carol