The 15th Annual Birthing Hope Tea Celebration was a success because of YOU! Year after year you have been faithful to build and to fund the Birth Hope Center. We raised enough funds on March 15th to run the Center and Hope Home and Shops for one year. It was a beautiful event filled with joy. Each year we look forward to joining you in bringing hope to these young girls and their babies. Every hug we receive brings us joy. God has given all of us this amazing work for Him and He smiles at His body working together for His Kingdom. We have lasting fruit in the lives of these girls.
“The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work.” 1 Corinthians 3:8
Ron and I are forever grateful for your partnership in building these beautiful Centers that transform lives. We love being part of CHaRA Birthing Hope! My knee surgery on April 1st went well and I am on my way to walking on strong knees again. Ron is returning to Tanzania with my brother Jim on May 14th. We received unexpected news that we have to move from our house to another mission house in another town. God has a plan; we don’t know yet! It will be good. Moving is more difficult in Africa so please pray for Ron and Jim as they move us and go the Center and Hope Home & Shops to do the work required there. Many abundant blessings to you.
Carol & Ron

Naomi, Martina (staff), Fausta Faith, and Vero are doing well in their technical training classes. Naomi and Vero are in cooking school and will graduate in June. Martina is helping Fausta Faith in salon school and they will both graduate in August. The babies are at home in Dongobesh being loved by our baby home families.
Our staff, our girls, our babies, and our leadership say thank you and God bless you abundantly in 2024 and beyond.
- Favorite Hugs!
- Jack Ernest, MC/Prayer and Brother of Carol
- Justin Thibault, Board Member and Legacy Giving Speaker
- Ellie Hatcher, granddaughter, RSVP drawing and server
- Amazing Servers!
- Jen & Katie, the market wonders!
- Pastor Wes & Crystal The Burg Church
- Pastor Jay & Melanie The Refuge Church
- Steve & Stephanie Petrunich and guests
- Dean & Kathy Thomas and guests
- CHaRA Board of Directors & Family
- Stacey & Tambra Cochran and guests
- Thank you, faithful supporters, for praying for us!
- Thank you to the Refuge Church for hosting the CHaRA Tea. Thank you to Heart Gifts by Teresa for sponsoring the dinner. Thank you to our Board of Directors and helpers for all their hard work.
- Wayne & Susan Trexler and guests
- Heart Gifts by Teresa and guests
- Ellie, Max, Jack, & Jaylee